I find this funny, do these dolts know that clans are not until 3055ish or later?? Also that MW:O is currently in the year 3049?? If people had any kind of perception they would note the dates that MW:O posts as "Weekly I.S. News" ... my god, I'm sorry, I could careless for Clan Tech, I'm sick of seeing all the "zomg iz wantz a mad cat!" or mad dog! etc.
People just don't know their BT Lore too well eh?
What are your guys' thoughts about this?
IMO: in years when they DO implement clan tech/ lost star league tech, they need to make it cost a hell of a lot of money and some way so you can't have it easily accessible. Reason I say this is lets face it, Clan tech is a little bit O.P.
Just my 2 cents!
-Ramm/Vash (Vash Al'Dier has been my gamertag/callsign for awhile and sadly that's what my MW:O account is registered as