Heya all, friend told me about DDMs place here
Remember me?
I remember many of you, I remember our alliance and our tactical moves and our games people cried about that they werent fair. Wasnt fair cause we thought of them first. I remember many good times with
OH dont remember me RT_DocTheButcher
I still talk to a few OLD RTs like Hardcorps and Uziel
Yeah RT took a lot of shit but people hate you when your on top, I still have them screen shoots of many things. I know if not for
DDM RT wouldnt have been able to grow to be able to hold its own, though popular thought back then said we couldnt, but my screen shots said different.
I play WOW and run 3 accounts and dual and triple box. I am on Kargath alliance side In a small guild called toon squad.
I have detailed memories about all them days in MW4 some good some bad. I hate having so good a memory sometimes forgetting is a good thing.
PLayed many games since Mw4
Motor City Online,
Earth and Beyond,
Lineage 2 ( you people who want pure pwnage and raw pvp it doesnt get any nastier then Lineage 2 period even wow is tame compared to it )
WOW for almost 4 years now
AOC whata joke , warhammer another huge disappointment
waiting on stargate worlds and star trek online I am tired of these cast and stab games I want more sci fi
and dozens of them free mmorpgs
Want a decent fast paced mecha game? try exteel it rocks
So what have you Mechiers been up to?
PS cant get your vent to fire up for somereason